gARruLoUs GRaFfiTi
Am...Shy...Rad...Sun ?!!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
A Train missed ?!
She: I'm getting married.
He: Wow. Congrats.
She: Congrats? Is that what you want to say?
He: well...what else did you expect me to say?
She: .......
He: ????
She: Goodbye.
My first attempt at nanofiction :)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
she's taking her time making up the reasons
to justify all the hurt inside
guess she knows from the smiles and the look in their eyes
everyone's got a theory about the bitter one
they're saying, mamma never loved her much
and, daddy never keeps in touch
that's why she shies away from human affection
but somewhere in a private place
she packs her bag for outer space
and now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
VM's Original Thought : Residual Religionism
This is something I have discussed with couple of my friends and have been meaning to write about for quite sometime. This has also been the fruitions of one of those countless introspective sessions that I have.
What lead me to this concept was just plain observation. I call myself an agnostic! For most of the time it holds true, except during certain circumstances: when i lay my foot on some paper, or my leg happens to fall on some person, whereupon i automatically do: touch the person as if asking for forgiveness. Although when i think about it later, i find the act unnecessary bordering on ridiculousness,but it's a spontaneous involuntary action. And surprisingly, I have seen this happen not just to me but countless other people.
This is what led me to coining the term 'Residual Religionism'. This is not religion as is followed but it is what that has been acquired. Right from our childhood, most of us are being brought up in an environment surrounding godliness. The inquisitive child is lambasted left right and centre with rituals, be it visiting temples, or during festivals or even day to day praying, that somewhere along the line inquisitiveness gives way to discipline and blind faith. So even when the child grows and eventually decides to pour out the religion out of his system, the rituals which are as much an integral part of the person as his flesh and bones is left behind as residue.
What lead me to this concept was just plain observation. I call myself an agnostic! For most of the time it holds true, except during certain circumstances: when i lay my foot on some paper, or my leg happens to fall on some person, whereupon i automatically do: touch the person as if asking for forgiveness. Although when i think about it later, i find the act unnecessary bordering on ridiculousness,but it's a spontaneous involuntary action. And surprisingly, I have seen this happen not just to me but countless other people.
This is what led me to coining the term 'Residual Religionism'. This is not religion as is followed but it is what that has been acquired. Right from our childhood, most of us are being brought up in an environment surrounding godliness. The inquisitive child is lambasted left right and centre with rituals, be it visiting temples, or during festivals or even day to day praying, that somewhere along the line inquisitiveness gives way to discipline and blind faith. So even when the child grows and eventually decides to pour out the religion out of his system, the rituals which are as much an integral part of the person as his flesh and bones is left behind as residue.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Google launches Online Spreadsheet and Word processor

Being a self confessed Google Follower, Iam obviously overjoyed with the launch of Google online Spreadsheets and online worprocessor (Google having acquired Writely). Going through the sneakpeek, I was really impressed with the features available. No more worries of disk crashes and lost data. Moreover, One can share the documents anywhere across the web and people in geographically remote locations can access and modify the documents simultaneously. I have got the invitation for testing out the beta version of Google Spreadsheet and i'm reallt geared up to get the first taste of what it has to offer.
Chaar Laloo Dena Please !
Laloo seems to be quite popular among kids in Bihar, but for reasons probably no one would have ever imagined of: Lalu ka Khazana
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Food for thought
Sometimes one of the hardest things of all is seeing things as they really are. Could have beens, should have beens, ought to bes, can't believe it isn'ts - all these cloud our vision of the world around us. But seeing through these various illusions is the first step toward accepting things as they are. It could also be the most difficult. And why is it important to accept things as they are? Only then can you engage with the real world, which is the only way to really make any necessary changes.
link via here